
< > = required, [ ] = optional, ( ) = aliases

| AI | Canvas | Fun | Level | Minigames | Misc | Mod | Music | Prefix | Reactions | Search | Starboard | Ticket | Welcome |


Command Description
?chatbot <channel> gpt 3.5, wallet goes brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
?chatbotd disables the chatbot system for your guild...


Command Description
?ad [user] Advertisements are cool.
?alert <message> notifications
?awooify [user] awooooooooooooo ig
?baguette [user] baguette yum yum
?captcha [user] [message] lol test this out on yourself
?changemymind (cmm) <message> Pretty sure you can't change my mind
?clown [user] Yup you
?clyde <message> Clyde sucks?
?comrade [user] laal salaam comrade
?distracted <user1> [user2] I cant take my eyes off of you
?genshin [user] Genshin is cool whatsoever
?glass [user] *shatter*
?gun [user] Gi me yo mony
?horny [user] I got an official card now ;)
?iphone [user] this looks dumb, dont use it
?jail [user] Imagine going to jail...
?lgbt [user] Doesn't exist :)
?lolice [user] who's into lolicons...
?megamind <message> *Got no bitches?*
?oogway <message> Son
?oogway2 <message> Do it
?passed [user] Mission passed respect+
?pet [user] this is some intense stuff...
?phcomment <message> Nothing to see here, proceed
?pixel [user] Pixels are cool too
?sadcat <message> sed neko
?simp [user] I got an official card for this too ;)
?spittinfacts <message> Mad respect
?stupid [user] no u
?threat [user] Definitely U
?tonikawa [user] PS2....
?trap [user] trap cards were a thing back in the day
?triggered [user] why are you cryin
?trumptweet <message> This can be dangerous
?tweet <message> [user] *tweet* *tweet*
?uncover [user] lets get the curtain off ;)
?unforgivable <message> yup some things are unfogiveable
?wasted [user] nostalgia *wasted*
?whowouldwin (www) <user1> [user2] definitely me
?ytcomment <message> [user] boring command...


Command Description
?afacts Animals are pretty interesting :)
?affirm Do you really need affirmation from a bot?
?aniquote Anime has some deep quotes
?animals Animals are way cuter than homosapiens!
?binary (bi) <text> 011001000110100101100101
?biryani Biryani is an EMOTION!
?bitcoin I wonder whats the price of one bitcoin...
?bored Get a life ffs
?breakingbad (bb) METH...
?catface meow meow
?choose <option1>, <option2>, ... So indecisive sheesh
?chucknorris Chuck Norris for President!!!
?coinflip Heads or Tails
?color [#hexcode] In this b&w world, lets be colorful, no homo...(sorry...)
?combine <name or user> <name or user> Let's get them mixin
?dadjoke LAUGH 🤡🔪
?dice 1,2,3,4,5,6...
?emojify <text> Long ass texts to emojis
?emotes Get a list of all the emojis in this server
?enchanting minecraft lovers, where you at?
?enlarge <emoji> If only you could use this irl...
?fact Get an interesting fact.
?fight [user] [weapon] FIGHT CLUB!!!
?got Game Of Thrones quotes
?hotcalc [user] I am very accurate!
?howgay [user] I am very accurate once again!
?insult [user] Try using this command without mentioning anyone <3
?intellect <text> Intellectual.
?internetrules The real rules!
?isthisforthat I genuinely dont know why I made this command...
?joke Laughter a day makes the...NVM!
?knock Knock Knock
?lmgtfy <search> One more useless thing, other one is YOU :)
?mathadd <int> <int> Add two numbers...
?mathdiv <int> <int> divide two numbers...
?mathmult <int> <int> multiply two numbers
?mathrando <int> <int> gives you a random number between the provided numbers
?mathsqrt <int> get the square root of a number
?mathsub <int> <int> subtract two numbers...idek why i made these commands ;-;
?magicball (8ball) Magic ball oh magic ball, will I be rich someday?
?morse <text> -.. .. .
?nicememe NICE MEME
?numberfact <number> NuMbErS...
?owo <text> OwO
?pickup Rizzler is here baby :)
?pokefusion Guess this pokemon!
?pp HEHE
?quote Get a random quote ig
?screenshot <search> Give me a website url and I will send you a screenshot
?ship [user1] <user2> There's love in the air or is it?
?sombra I saw this somewhere and YEETED IT!!!
?spam SPAM
?spellout <text> For the ppl who cant understand something
?spoilify <text> This is fun ;)
?sus [user] r u a SUSSY BAKA???
?thanosquote Thanos was always right!
?thouart classy
?trumpquote DoNaLd TrUmP qUoTeS ig...
?twentyoneify (21ify) <text> høw yøu døin
?uselessfact This is definitely useful
?xkcd <random or int> Very funny haha
?yearfact <int> "You were born..."
?yesno <text> To be or not to be is the question
?yomama [user] yomama is so...


Command Description
?leaderboard (lb) keep hustling to be #1
?levele [channel] you can turn on the COOLEST LEVELING SYSTEM 😎
?leveld you can disable the COOLEST LEVELING SYSTEM, your loss 😎
?rank (lvl) nooooooooob
?rewards man works only when they are rewarded, take these and do it
?setrole <lvl> <role> set some role rewards :)
?removerole <role> remove it...I AINT CREATIVE WITH THESE DESCRIPTIONS ;-;


Command Description
?aki akinator, it knows everything...
?amongus who's the imposter!!!
counting (not a command) create a channel and name it counting and boom show your counting skills :)
?minesweeper [columns] [rows] [bombs] beware of those mines ffs
?rps rock paper scissors, the OG GAME!!!
?rr russian ig...
?scramble | ?guess <word> | ?reset are you smart enough???
?slot these were popular back in the day
?tetris the OG game is here bois and gurls!!!
?tictactoe (ttt) | ?place <1-9> who's the imposter!!!


Commands Description
?afk [reason] ppl can be annoying some times
?avatar (av) [user] get those sexy pfps :)
?channelstats (cstats) who would even use this command bruh
?members get the member count of this server
?mods get a list of gods of this server
?ping pong...
?pingadv advanced pong...
?serverinfo once again, who would even use this command bruh
?snipe this is my favorite command :)
?userinfo (whois) [user] details are directly taken from FBI :)


Commands Description
?ban <user> [reason] ban em
?cnick <user> <name> change em
?kick <user> [reason] kick em
?lock lock em
?mute <user> mute em
?pin <id> pin em
?poll "<question>" <option1> <option2> ... poll a poll...
?purge (clean) <int> purge em
?role <user> <role> role em
?slowmode <int> slow em down
?unban <user> useless...
?unlock unlock em
?unmute <user> unmute em, but dont :)
?userpurge <user> fu i mean purge em
?warn <user> [reason] warn em
?warnings <user> fuc i mean...useless
?delwarn <user> <warn> delete em
?editwarn <user> <warn> edit em


Only works in support server :)

Commands Description
?clear clear the queue...
?loop only loops the current playing song, it sucks, i know
?lyrics (ly) [song] get them lyrics...
?move <channel> we are the best in the town...
?nowplaying (np) this is cool imo
?pause do i need to explain this?
?play (p) <song> use it again while playing to add it to queue
?queue fetch the current queue
?remove <int> get rid of that sheet from the queue
?resume once again, do i need to explain this?
?seek <int> it takes the int in milliseconds
?shuffle get the queue shuffled
?skip this is self explanatory bruh, cmon
?splay <link> drop the spotify song link, lmk if you have premium acc 👀
?stop it will disconnect the bot
?volume <int> 0 - 100


?prefix get the current prefix of your guild, default is `?`
?setprefix <prefix> set a custom prefix for your guild


Commands Description
?baka stupid bish
?boi weird sheet
?cry lame ass bish
?cuddle who ever uses this command, stay away from me
?delet delete this nig
?facepalm 🤦
?feed mothers love >>> others love
?filth you
?heckoff marambe
?hug hug em
?kiss ewwwwww
?lick once again, ewwwwwww
?pat you got this homie
?poke you poke me, i scratch you
?repost dumbass ppl
?slap haiyaaaaa
?smug hehe
?tableflip (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
?tickle *tickle tickle*
?trigger ppl go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
?unflip (⁠ヘ⁠・⁠_⁠・⁠)⁠ヘ⁠┳⁠━⁠┳
?weirdshit they are posting weird shit...
?wink UwU


?starboard <channel> react to a msg 3 times with star emoji :)


?ticket <category id> configures a cool ahh ticket system with that catrgory
?ticketdel removes the ticket system for your guild, your loss
?close deletes the ticket channel


?welcome <channel> [msg] [upload image for bg] default card is also pretty cool, just like me :)
?welcomedel turns it off for your server
Website ♡ Krupa Koushik